Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Book Review: The Community Commentary Series - Philippians

There's this dude I know - one of the very few people in the world that I actually call 'dude' - who is committed, hard-working, creative and kind. His name is Dan King and he hosts a remarkable website called He is one of a handful of bloggers that I have actually met in person and I'm here to tell you that he is the real deal. 

He lives clear across the country in Florida, loves his adorable family, travels regularly to Haiti to do compassionate work (and write about it), and he has written a book about that which I reviewed last year, called "The Unlikely Missionary."  

Last fall, he got this interesting idea: invite Bibledude readers to consider contributing to a study series on the book of Philippians. I signed up - "Why not?" I thought. So I did a little studying, wrote down my ideas and joined them with the rest of the writers. 

Little did I know that Dan, cagey entrepreneur that he is, had a creative idea brewing. "Why not," he wondered, "make this small commentary available as an e-book?" So he gathered a couple of his editors and added some word studies and a little historical background and voila! We've got ourselves an e-book. What looks like it might be the first of several in a Bibledude Community series.

What's different about this commentary is's not a commentary (italics added to imply a heavy, academic, technical tome). Rather, it is a user-friendly, approachable, brief and helpful study guide for anyone wanting to extend their understanding of Paul's words to the church at Philippi. 

And it launches TODAY. Please check it out over at Dan's fine website.