Tuesday, July 26, 2011

When a Bump in the Road Isn't...

O’Connor Road, San Luis Obispo CA
You’re heading in a particular direction, one you’ve worked toward, dreamed about, worried over, struggled to find. And out of the blue - WHAM! - you hit a major bump in the road. Suddenly a big old DETOUR sign looms in front of you and you’re left wondering, “What the heck was that??” 

Has this ever happened to you? 

It’s happened to me - more than once - but this particular story happened almost 10 years ago. Enough time has passed for me to be able to look back and see that this bump in the road turned out to be anything but a detour...

I'm writing today at the kind invitation of Michelle DeRusha over at her wonderful blog, Graceful

Just click on the link and head on over there to read about a lesson learned in a tough time, a lesson of grace and redemption and thanksgiving... And while you're there, check out Michelle's wonderful writing and gorgeous photographs. She's on a grand journey of discovery and I know you'll love reading about her, her family, her writing, her life in Nebraska.


Kind friends - I am about 1/3 of the way through an intense two week training program in spiritual direction. I am living in community, attending amazing lectures, worshipping every day at 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and gaining some wonderful insights into what monastic life is like. (Well...at least, a little bit...) That doesn't leave much room for reflection. I am hoping to get at least one post in this week, trying to capture for you what this experience is like. There is enough richness here to fill this blog for months, so I'd appreciate prayers for openness, stamina and discernment as I continue to immerse myself in what the Holy Spirit has for me here.  Thank you.